Australian Domestic Flying on Virgin Australia + UpgradeMe

I made a trip to Sydney last weekend to attend a festival which was unfortunately postponed. As I had non-refundable tickets with substantial change fees (nearly what I paid for each sector), I went ahead with a holiday in Sydney anyway. My flights between Melbourne and Sydney were on Virgin Australia (VA), who are my preferred airline for domestic flying. VA had a double miles promotion for Velocity members earlier this year, with my trip conveniently falling within the travel period. I was also planning to try out VA’s UpgradeMe, though I was in two minds over whether I really wanted to fork out extra cash for Business Class on such a short domestic hop.  Continue reading

The Magic of Inaugural Flights: Introduction

Welcome to the first of a 4-part series covering my experiences of inaugural flights.

For many aviation and travel enthusiasts, the inaugural service of a new aircraft type is a fantastic moment. For the airline and the passengers of the day, it is an historical moment. But what makes an inaugural flight so magical? Is it just the opportunity to be a part of history? Or is it being able to see an airline at its best? Perhaps for us aviation enthusiasts, it’s the chance to meet with fellow enthusiasts and knowing we’re not so uniquely strange after all (I kid, we’re all fairly normal people!).

Most likely, as with all things, it is a combination of everything. For me, the sense of history ranks above all. (The Singaporean in me enjoys the souvenirs as well). We all love new things; as an aviation enthusiast that stretches to a new plane type, a new cabin product. Some of us actively seek out inaugurals (I’m one of those), while others happen to be booked on the right flight at the right time. However one ends up on an inaugural flight, it’s usually a great experience enjoyed by all.

What should one expect on an inaugural flight? As mentioned, souvenirs usually make an appearance. Cake and champagne are good choices as well. Many aviation enthusiasts love getting certificates from these occasions.However, not all of these are always present. Indeed, my experiences of inaugurals have gone across the entire spectrum of fanfare. Usually, the level of fanfare depends on the nature and culture of the airline in question and the type of inaugural – new plane type for the airline, first flight of brand new type worldwide etc. As an enthusiast, we do have ‘expectations’ of what an inaugural flight should be like. It can be disappointing not to receive a certificate, for example. In this age of cost-watching, it is no surprise that airlines would save money where they can. But as I mentioned, a first flight isn’t just about the freebies or hearing some airline executive wax lyrical about how a new aircraft ushers in a new era. It is about the occasion.

That’s the magic. Savouring the occasion and being part of history. Enjoy it, because a first flight only comes around once.

I have been very fortunate to have been present at 3 such occasions thus far. In the next 3 parts of this series, I will go back into (some very recent) history and describe my own personal experience of each occasion.

Up next, A Dream Start for Scoot.